
Friday, December 9, 2011

Risky Business

I know it's weird to put pictures up on such a private type of blog, but I don't have much to fear. Here's who you are dealing with. 
I've done ballet my entire life, so my boyfriend (who is a photographer) jumped at the chance to take the photos in October. Excuse my chubbb !

And this is the two of us at a club event last week. Isn't he just the most handsome man in the world?!

Well, now you can put a face to the name. 
I always like blogs better when I know what people look like for some reason


  1. JESUS CHRIST YOUR GORGEOUS!!! ( I'm straight, so don't freak) haha! And your so slim!!!! JEALOUS. xx

  2. You're so pretty :)

  3. I'm a new follower and I love you blog! It looks awesome.
    FAR OUT you are gorgeous, absolutely stunning AND you have a hot, slim body. Like wow. I'm jealous hahaha.
    You two make a good looking couple.
    I hope you don't mind me asking but how old are you? I'm just curious :)
    Love Anafly

  4. I've done ballet for all my life too. Well, I stopped a year or two ago with the classes but I still adore it.
    You're gorgeous by the way! x
