
Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

I'm one of those girls. I'm that girl that stays up late at night writer bigger and better plans for herself. I was born blessed with so much: a loving family, a well-off household, a pretty face, talents. It's just not enough though. At some point, I have just recently realized, you have to let go of your childish ways, and become a woman. By "childish ways", I suppose I'm referring to enjoying life just merely in the moment and not thinking of the consequences it will have on you.
I ate like 6 Oreos today among other things. So now, late at night, I sit here writing in my journal about how much I long to be the skinny girl I was two years ago when I fully commit myself to the ABC Diet for 50 days. It was the best I've ever looked, and to be honest, the best I ever felt too.
But once you reach that happy point, you become comfortable. Getting comfortable in any aspect of your life is the most dangerous thing of all. You don't feel as though you have to try anymore. Two years ago, I was 104 pounds and felt beautiful the way I always wanted to. I've gotten so comfortable i've gained 13 pounds since then.
I dream of a better tomorrow, where my sense will overpower my want for food like it did 2 years ago. I truly need support from my followers. My blog 2 years ago reached 90 followers, and it was because of them, that I was able to reach my goal. So I beg of you, please follow me and keep me motivated, and I will promise to do the same.


  1. you can do it love! Can't wait to get to know you a little better. I did the same thing with my blog. It got to 110 followers and it stressed me out so I deleted it.
    with love,

  2. Following back :) You can reach your goals!! And i'll be sure to mention you :) xx

  3. Don't get comfortable. There's always more you can do. Just keep at it :)
